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    Dimensions: 227 x 295 - Landscape - 120 pages Published by: Surf Research Publication Date: November 2012 ISBN 978-0-9871522-2-0 This book came as a result of a wet North Coast NSW Australian winter and a damaged knee. My wife, Tricia, and I trawled through the 40 year old black and white negatives and colour transparencies. They’d been tucked away in boxes all that time; unopened, unseen. As we scanned in the negatives we realised we had stumbled upon a surfing anthropological find; a dusty archive of images depicting some of the most significant, interesting and creative characters in the history of surfing. Most of these photos have not been seen before, nor their stories told: Wayne Lynch at Lennox while on the run from the draft, rebels Miki Dora and Russell Hughes on the fence in Byron (what were they talking about?) and big south swells rolling by. These are one-off shots taken in a simpler time when there weren’t many people taking photographs. They are of a period remembered as pure and uncomplicated.
  • Dimensions: 227 x 295 - Landscape - 104 pages Published by: Surf Research Publication Date: December 2014 ISBN 978-0-987-1522-0-6 Surf Portraits and Stories Hawaii: Oahu-Kauai-Mau 1968-1972 Turning Point II is about a time when surfers headed to the tropical Hawaiian Islands to surf big waves and for some to seek sanctuary from the rest of America. They were at the forefront of new ideas, new surfboards, and a new consciousness. Rusty’s photographs in this book, taken tangentially in the moment as a member of his tribe, reveal a brief idyll when surf heroes were young, immortal and surfed like gods in Hawaii. You are seeing this era of time through the lens of Rusty’s camera and the stories inside. “ Steve Barilotti, Filmaker and former Surfer Magainze editor, veteran surf-culture essayist and documentarian.
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