• EDITION: 1 to 50 STOCK & PRINT: Giclée prints on Moab Natural Paper. All prints are supplied in matt & backed. IMAGE SIZE: 40cm x 60cm (approx). OUTSIDE MEASUREMENT: 85.6cm x 68.2cm I have many photos of Russell at this time as he was always around yet he was hard to keep up with in any way. He was an enigmatic figure in the era of the 60s and 70s, always in motion and forever mysterious. Where he was, and what he was doing, was to him not necessarily any of your bees’ wax (business). He always had an interesting car, a Cheshire cat smile and looked like he had just come in from a good surf. But he did not want to be photographed. Somehow I was able to capture him. He sure was photogenic.
  • EDITION: 1 to 100 STOCK & PRINT: Giclée prints on Moab Natural Paper. All prints are supplied in matt & backed. IMAGE SIZE: 26.5cm x 40cm (approx). OUTSIDE MEASUREMENT: 52cm x 42cm The dynamic, wide ranging and raging personality of Peter has left his mark on the world of surfing. Smiling and vivacious, he is an original thinker: the one who conceived and implemented the first man-on-man format to surfing competition and introduced surfing to China. This same year, 1970, he won the Australian National Titles. Not shy in expressing his views Peter did ruffle the feathers of the surfing power structure. His surfing style was strongly aggressive but very controlled, linked and sturdy. Peter seemed to be always in the motion of making changes in established ways and challenging the staid and standard public perceptions. Recently, Peter has become a woman called Westerly.
  • EDITION: 1 to 100 STOCK & PRINT: Giclée prints on Moab Natural Paper. All prints are supplied in matt & backed. IMAGE SIZE: 26.5cm x 40cm (approx). OUTSIDE MEASUREMENT: 52cm x 42cm The three presented faces are Rodney ‘Gopher’ Sumpter (English Champion), Randy Rarick (USA) and Chris Jones (UK). They are wearing the classic wetsuit style of the 1970 models, being cut and stitched up out of neoprene rubber sheets. At this time, wetsuits were the factor that had one of the greatest impacts on the sport of surfing, particularly here in the cold water at Bells and helped shape the surfing world into what it is today. This picture shows the prime designs of the era, which tended to be sleeveless and joined with short and long leg models. Often the long arm part was a separate jacket. I remember them causing a lot of armpit chafing problems. Bells that year was a major testing ground for wetsuits from all different countries. Ripcurl was busy measuring up and giving out samples for the top surfers to test.
  • EDITION: 1 to 50 STOCK & PRINT: Giclée prints on Moab Natural Paper. All prints are supplied in matt & backed. IMAGE SIZE: 40cm x 60cm (approx). OUTSIDE MEASUREMENT: 85.6cm x 68.2cm When the sun came out and you were surfing Lennox the day just seemed to float. Here, spending suspended long days cushioned by the thick green tufts of grass on the northern hillside of Lennox, is Tommy filming Sea of Joy, Sade and Nyarie, who opened the first women’s clothing shop, Neverlands, in Byron Bay. We all had dogs, Afghans (Cloud here was my Afghan) and Red Setters, farmhouses in the hills, were doing yoga and growing vegetables. We were the new tribe. Surfers were carving their new lifestyle niche into the very conservative, local community of the tough, working class town of Byron Bay.
  • EDITION: 1 to 100 STOCK & PRINT: Giclée prints on Moab Natural Paper. All prints are supplied in matt & backed. IMAGE SIZE: 26.5cm x 40cm (approx). OUTSIDE MEASUREMENT: 52cm x 42cm Garth Murphy was one of the early American surfers to settle in Byron Bay. He was my friend and business associate from California who I came to visit in Byron in 1970. I never really left the place completely after that. Russell was Queensland’s State Surfing Champion in the late 60s. He was an excellent surfer in constant motion with a very smooth style in, and out, of the water. After the 1968 World Surfing Championship in Puerto Rico, Russell became shy of competition and lead a more ellusive life. I met him in Kauai when he and Garth stayed with me and surfed perfect point waves at Hanalei Bay in 1969. Russell had come there to pick up his brand new Dick Brewer board. This photo catches his wily nature. His nickname at the time was ‘la Ruse’ French for fox, or so we thought, for those who don’t know.
  • EDITION: 1 to 100 STOCK & PRINT: Giclée prints on Moab Natural Paper. All prints are supplied in matt & backed. IMAGE SIZE: 26.5cm x 40cm (approx). OUTSIDE MEASUREMENT: 52cm x 42cm There is no surfer more pure in essence of style than Wayne Lynch. Here, you can see the questioning mind. The waves did not show up, and many contestants were reflecting something like, ‘Are the commercial bastards going to make us go out in this?’ For me, Wayne is one of the great dancers of our breed. Three others are Phil Edwards, Joel Tudor, and David Nuuhiwa.
  • EDITION: 1 to 100 STOCK & PRINT: Giclée prints on Moab Natural Paper. All prints are supplied in matt & backed. IMAGE SIZE: 26.5cm x 40cm (approx). OUTSIDE MEASUREMENT: 52cm x 42cm Wayne, rarely photographed at that time, is shown here with a tiny, Lennox Head village is in the background. A rough, dirt track, that is just to the left of Wayne’s VW Bug, ran parallel to the shoreline and when not too wet you could drive almost all the way out to the Point. Many of the homes along the foreshore were the fibro family holiday places of people who lived further inland in Lismore or Casino. In winter we had it almost all to ourselves.
  • EDITION: 1 to 50 STOCK & PRINT: Giclée prints on Moab Natural Paper. All prints are supplied in matt & backed. IMAGE SIZE: 40cm x 60cm (approx). OUTSIDE MEASUREMENT: 85.6cm x 68.2cm Wayne Parkes, New Zealand’s surfing champion, with boards stacked on the Morris 1100. He is still surfing and shaping in Auckland. To this day he still uses these lightly swept back, narrow tipped, fiberglass, Greenough-influenced fin types on his boards.
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