• EDITION: 1 to 100 STOCK & PRINT: Giclée prints on Moab Natural Paper. All prints are supplied in matt & backed. IMAGE SIZE: 26.5cm x 40cm (approx). OUTSIDE MEASUREMENT: 52cm x 42cm At the moment of this picture being taken Gerry is eying me almost asking by body language what the heck are you doing taking my picture. Gerry is perhaps the most enduring of the Hawaiian surfing legends and the epitome of understated cool. At this time he was Mr. Pipeline having taken over Butch Van Artsdalen’s spot of an aggressive approach and evolved it into the 70s way of groove, flow, and exuding a Zen philosophy into the raw pipeline tunnel… He turned speed on a wave into SloMo. His mentors of shaping are the greats of the 50s, 60s and 70s; Pat Curren, Mike Diffenderfer and especially Dick Brewer. He has also proven to be one of the most adaptable watermen of modern surfing able to leap surf genres in a single bound: Long board to medium to short board to stand up paddlers.
  • EDITION: 1 to 100 STOCK & PRINT: Giclée prints on Moab Natural Paper. All prints are supplied in matt & backed. IMAGE SIZE: 26.5cm x 40cm (approx). OUTSIDE MEASUREMENT: 52cm x 42cm Wayne, rarely photographed at that time, is shown here with a tiny, Lennox Head village is in the background. A rough, dirt track, that is just to the left of Wayne’s VW Bug, ran parallel to the shoreline and when not too wet you could drive almost all the way out to the Point. Many of the homes along the foreshore were the fibro family holiday places of people who lived further inland in Lismore or Casino. In winter we had it almost all to ourselves.
  • Boy Reno

    EDITION: 1 to 100 STOCK & PRINT: Giclée prints on Moab Natural Paper. All prints are supplied in matt & backed. IMAGE SIZE: 26.5cm x 40cm (approx). OUTSIDE MEASUREMENT: 52cm x 42cm Looking here so young and slight, Reno surfed like a dancer, and, was the only Hawaiian to make it to the final. He surfed close to the centre curve of the wave on a thin short pintail gun, a master of speed and intense concentration. Both as a shaper and rider he contributed significantly to what we now refer to as the short board revolution. Reno was influenced by the active shapers in Hawaii at that time: Mike Diffenderfer, Pat Curren and Dick Brewer.
  • EDITION: 1 to 100 STOCK & PRINT: Giclée prints on Moab Natural Paper. All prints are supplied in matt & backed. IMAGE SIZE: 26.5cm x 40cm (approx). OUTSIDE MEASUREMENT: 52cm x 42cm I didn’t know Jimmy well but I knew his large, exuberant father, who was a famous television wrestler called Tally Ho Blears back when TV wrestling was at its peak. Tally Ho was one of the top organizers and commentators in Hawaiian surf contests and paddle events in the 60s. I believe this is when Jimmy began competing. He won the 1972 World Surfing Champions held in Oceanside California.
  • EDITION: 1 to 100 STOCK & PRINT: Giclée prints on Moab Natural Paper. All prints are supplied in matt & backed. IMAGE SIZE: 26.5cm x 40cm (approx). OUTSIDE MEASUREMENT: 52cm x 42cm This picture I took has always fascinated and captured me. The girl is a sculptural beauty and a good representation of a surfing girl. I think she may have been a competitor in the event. Gleaming wet in her shiny black wetsuit she seems to be contemplating her latest surfing experience or perhaps the result of her latest heat in the contest. I wish I could find out who she is. Until then we can all enjoy the romance and imagination of the unknown blonde haired girl in her wetsuit.
  • EDITION: 1 to 100 STOCK & PRINT: Giclée prints on Moab Natural Paper. All prints are supplied in matt & backed. IMAGE SIZE: 26.5cm x 40cm (approx). OUTSIDE MEASUREMENT: 52cm x 42cm The style of the swimsuit and the harmonious colour of the stacked surfboards capture the look of the era. This image is a good representation of the strength and confidence women were bringing on to the beaches and into our surfing culture at that time. For years her identity was a mystery to me so we called the young woman in this photo ‘Bikini Girl’ though we figured she was a competitor. Then I found this beautiful ‘Bikini Girl,’ in New Zealand.
  • EDITION: 1 to 50 STOCK & PRINT: Giclée prints on Moab Natural Paper. All prints are supplied in matt & backed. IMAGE SIZE: 40cm x 60cm (approx). OUTSIDE MEASUREMENT: 85.6cm x 68.2cm Wayne Parkes, New Zealand’s surfing champion, with boards stacked on the Morris 1100. He is still surfing and shaping in Auckland. To this day he still uses these lightly swept back, narrow tipped, fiberglass, Greenough-influenced fin types on his boards.
  • EDITION: 1 to 50 STOCK & PRINT: Giclée prints on Moab Natural Paper. All prints are supplied in matt & backed. IMAGE SIZE: 40cm x 60cm (approx). OUTSIDE MEASUREMENT: 85.6cm x 68.2cm When the sun came out and you were surfing Lennox the day just seemed to float. Here, spending suspended long days cushioned by the thick green tufts of grass on the northern hillside of Lennox, is Tommy filming Sea of Joy, Sade and Nyarie, who opened the first women’s clothing shop, Neverlands, in Byron Bay. We all had dogs, Afghans (Cloud here was my Afghan) and Red Setters, farmhouses in the hills, were doing yoga and growing vegetables. We were the new tribe. Surfers were carving their new lifestyle niche into the very conservative, local community of the tough, working class town of Byron Bay.
  • EDITION: 1 to 50 STOCK & PRINT: Giclée prints on Moab Natural Paper. All prints are supplied in matt & backed. IMAGE SIZE: 40cm x 60cm (approx). OUTSIDE MEASUREMENT: 85.6cm x 68.2cm I have many photos of Russell at this time as he was always around yet he was hard to keep up with in any way. He was an enigmatic figure in the era of the 60s and 70s, always in motion and forever mysterious. Where he was, and what he was doing, was to him not necessarily any of your bees’ wax (business). He always had an interesting car, a Cheshire cat smile and looked like he had just come in from a good surf. But he did not want to be photographed. Somehow I was able to capture him. He sure was photogenic.
  • EDITION: 1 to 50 STOCK & PRINT: Giclée prints on Moab Natural Paper. All prints are supplied in matt & backed. IMAGE SIZE: 40cm x 60cm (approx). OUTSIDE MEASUREMENT: 85.6cm x 68.2cm Surf love. What keeps a surfer motivated and warm in body and heart when not riding waves and when wetsuits were not as snug as they are today? A post surf session good wrap up in blanket and the closeness of female companionship. In the background wearing the bandana with large sideburns is Dale Dobson, switchfoot from California, who could do anything on a surfboard and an unknown wearing the Bells contest t-shirt.
  • EDITION: 1 to 50 STOCK & PRINT: Giclée prints on Moab Natural Paper. All prints are supplied in matt & backed. IMAGE SIZE: 40cm x 60cm (approx). OUTSIDE MEASUREMENT: 85.6cm x 68.2cm We used to be able to drive in and park on the hill near the headland at Lennox if you had a four- wheel drive. This was Paul Witzig’s International truck with the peace sign on the inside of the back door. Not every other surfer had one in those days. Paul was filming Sea of Joy. This is my favorite lifestyle shot that shows what we were all into at that time, the perfect Lennox Head point day. Ah, when time suspended into long, warm sun-drenched sessions. The consistent quality waves here were the main dynamic energy source and common denominator. They gave us life force.
  • EDITION: 1 to 50 STOCK & PRINT: Giclée prints on Moab Natural Paper. All prints are supplied in matt & backed. IMAGE SIZE: 40cm x 60cm (approx). OUTSIDE MEASUREMENT: 85.6cm x 68.2cm Lennox Point, as we called it The Ox, was and still is, to me the ultimate wave and place of North Coast surfing. It is my ultimate surfing pleasure. In the morning when you drive up to the headland and see the lines of a new big south swell, your heart rate cranks. In those days it was a cleared cattle paddock. If this scene were today the roadway would be jammed packed with vehicles from all states and surfers from all nations. Lennox Point is now a dedicated National Surfing Reserve, in recognition of its special meaning to surfers everywhere.
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